PW-Protected Frame UI

WebXR work for Frame by Virbela, a US-based company (California, San Diego).

As part of the continuous development of the FRAME WebXR platform, we implemented a feature to allow users to restrict access to a Frame by setting password protection.

For this task, I worked on:

  • Designing the layout of the new PW-PROTECTED FRAME UI panel
  • Restyling a placeholder WebXR UI by editing the code in Babylon.js
  • Adjusting the size and position of the virtual keyboard
  • Reviewing, testing and validating the implemented design in desktop and VR modes

Demo Video

The video below shows the PW-PROTECTED FRAME UI panel and the virtual keyboard displayed as soon as the user clicks the text field to input the password in VR mode.

The Making Of

Original Version

To start testing the new password-protection feature one of my teammates created a placeholder WebXR UI panel.

Static Mockup

Once they got the password-protection feature working, I moved on to designing the UI layout.

The hi-fi mockup below shows the restyling of the placeholder WebXR UI.

Implemented Design

Coded version of the PW-PROTECTED FRAME UI panel.

Contact Info

Scotland, UK
+44 7802 321045

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